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  • First time using session and it seemed to send responses that were "failed to send" an I kept hitting resend.... Miss wikr already šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’

    Hope I don't get cyanide in my gear. Lol
    Let's say I sent a package which went to the wrong address and it doesn't get returned, who should I call about the issue since I lost money despite writing the right address and auspost cucked me?
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    Reactions: Radar10
    Waiting to see whst they respond with Tbh retarded mistake on their part literally went to a different state and I have a pic of the address I wrote. Hopefully they return the product or least I get the insurance policy šŸ˜‚
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    Reactions: Markus
    It should be on Auspost, if it was any other freight company theyā€™d wear it. No doubt Auspost will somehow try to absolve themselves of responsibilityā€¦ā€¦the cunts.
    Give them a few shit reviews on their social media. I know it will get lost in the sea of shit that is Aus post. But least you can make someone read it. Just my 2cents worth bro
    Has anyone gotten lasered? How often do you need upkeep after the initial sessions?
    I got the wife to try waxing me in my nether regions as I thought ā€œit canā€™t be that badā€ well it was bad, blood was drawn, I got a gobby afterwards but I wouldnā€™t do that trade again.
    Retired User
    Iā€™m lasered from the neck down. My wife works in the industry

    Youā€™ll have to do a few monthly sessions (depends on your skin type, hair type, rate of growth). Generally theyā€™ll use 10 sessions as a starting point and re-assess

    If you stay consistent and the technician knows what theyā€™re doing, eventually youā€™ll just have to go in for yearly sessions to maintain

    I havenā€™t had to shave my body in years
    Iā€™ve had a good 10 sessions pretty much all over - more on back / shoulders / chest & stomach ā€¦ maybe 6 or so on legs & Brazilian.

    Def thins the hair growth out - need to top up once every 4-6 months ā€¦ the more anabolics I use the thicker & courser my body hair.
    We've made it boys, some Rando on social media said my opinion was irrelevant bc "I look like a bodybuilder husk with mommy issues that goes through 20 women" or somth of the sort what ever that means... We fkin made it boyssss
    Big thanks to Markus for pming the new url. Unfortunately I am adding to the sausage fest šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø
    This enough carbs? ā˜ ļø
    I'm on floxacillin for that infection I got for the next week. Will this shit kill new gains or just keep blasting as normal (literally been a few days since I started)?
    Oh dude you're lucky it isn't a big hole then. Mine fuckin was šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
    Fuck Jetstar and fuck their momma 30hr trip turned into a 55hr trip
    Update in the airport hotel... They tried to give me the your passport expires under 6 months you can't enter Singapore bs on top of it right as we were leaving too then they didn't pick up our luggage at baggage claimšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ got it all sorted but they don't do shit unless you yell or sob story

    fkin Jetstar.. Member someone tried to go to a Broderick meet n greet and had a Jetstar issue too... Never again.
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