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  • I’m one of those people who thinks the taste of kangaroo is a bit shit, but it’s an excellent source of protein so throughout my life I’ve tried to make it taste good.

    Enter the Oklahoma Smash Burger ignore this fella about Brioche buns being the best, he’s wrong, yes you can use them but use a milk bun or a potato bun they are god tier when it comes to burgers.

    Substitute the beef for Kangaroo either buy the pre-made patties or make them from roo mince.

    For the burger sauce I use equal parts tomato, mustard, sriracha, mayo, and a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce.

    I made mine as a double and here’s the macros

    628 calories

    Substitute full fat mayo for low if you want less fat or just enjoy the fat and have a vigorous wank afterwards or during it actually tastes that good.
    The wife asked me if I’d rather lose a leg or my penis, I said you can take both legs and both arms and I’m still choosing to keep my penis.
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