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  • Does anyone else just suck at digesting protein? Seems to cause quite a bit of inflammation in the mid section and pulls a lot of water into the intestines from my experience. Kind of scared to do it but for the first time im going to experiment taking it as low as 2g/kg and see what happens
    Anyone wanna pm me and teach me how to talk to girls? 24 now and 4 years since ive been laid working security at a night precinct smh
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    @Markus couldn’t agree more mate. I was far from naive when I started security, but after a few months I viewed the world completely differently. You really do see the absolute worst of people and if you are just grinding away, working 5 plus nights a week eventually it puts you in a real grimy headspace.
    Don’t regret a moment of it though, hell of an experience and I’ve got memories that will stick with me until my dying day.
    Yeah I actually love the job. I've been doing it as a side hustle for over 20 years, started when I was 18. I like it a lot more than my weekday job, which is a fucking grind. But you do slowly start to become angry at humanity.
    Kind of surprised this forum doesn't have a nutrition sub forum...anyway in your off season what's your main source of fiber? Seems if you are trying to go low/no gluten you can't have pastas/oats (kind of sucks cause I love my pasta. Jay cutler is a huge advocate for it, mike hulusi does 250g pre and post and his doesn't seem too bloated at all), potatoes seem to digest too slowly. I get in roughly 500-750g daily of mushrooms/capsicum/spinach but that's not nearly enough to hit my fiber goals. Rest of the diet is basically lean meat and rice based carb sources
    Oats have fuck all gluten and are an amazing source of fibre.

    Fuck all fibre in pasta anyway but most guys digest the GF pasta options pretty well and they're a great source of dense carbs with fairly low volume.

    Potatoes are usually too much volume for carb content unless you're on low ish calories.

    I would say go hard on the oats for one meal, and then include an apple somewhere in the day, some banana, and a bit of brocolli / similar veg at other meals and you should easily be hitting fibre intake
    As the boys said. Chuck the idea here and we will sort it.

    Meta mucil
    How do you guys feel about Metformin in a surplus? I've had 4-5 good goes at it now and every single time I end up feeling like it slows gastric emptying way too much and I eventually just end up with a build up of gas and fermenting food. Great at controlling blood glucose though as my sugars run haywire without it on high dose GH
    @Anabolikchikin interesting. What kinda berberine doses you running?? Once or twice a day dosing?
    @Shankle im using this one bro. It has something in it that is supposed to make be able to be dosed once per day so I just have with breakfast- 1 serve, 7caps

    I like it in theory.
    But god damn does it make my farts stink of death. I cannot in good conscious run met and exist in society.
    Probably not worth a full forum post but wondering how you guys eat on a rest day during your off season? Same as training day + shakes around workouts, less carbs, less cals? etc.
    Is 45 cal per kg enough to grow on even when factoring in the additional of GH, slin, low dose clen and T3 in an off season? Weight seems to be trending upwards slowly but strength is pretty much in the same spot as it was a couple months ago. 300P/ 850C / 50F @ 117kg fasted currently
    For me, even without clen, no way.
    Why are you on clen and t3 if your goals are weight gain
    Could probably drop the clen, just tapered it down after a cut, t3 supplementating to compliment gh
    Trained fasted for the first time today (only like a 5 hour fast) and was the strongest I've been in a while. Not sure whether it's from the slight increase in calories from yesterday or just train better when my stomach is empty

    Am I doing myself a disservice by not having a meal 2 or so hours before training (which I usually do)
    Glycogen stores won't be anywhere near depleted after only 5 hours fasting bro. Definitely not doing yourself a disservice.
    Of course they wont be depleted but could they be fuller? Have done this a couple days now and do feel a tad flat
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