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can’t escape the crazy housemate
Dec 2, 2022
Does anyone hate having to buy new clothes every time they go up a size??

I had 8 Months off gym, and work gave us $500 to spend on new work shirts and stuff a Month back, so I went to myer and got a bunch of nice shirts, few pairs of pants..

Started back in the gym two weeks ago, and the fucken glycogen loading alone getting back into training, I am already bursting at the seams of all my new shirts..

It's the one thing I absolutely loathe about bodybuliding.

I also forgot my old trick of taking dbol for a week, specifically so when I went shopping for clothes, I would be as bloated to the max, get a pump on before going shopping, and then I would buy a realistic size that might last me 6 months more than if I tried things on while flat.

Hate clothes shopping when it's just a luxury to get something new, absolutely despise it when I have tried on 98% of my wardrobe and nothing fucking fits.


ASF Professor
Jul 14, 2022
Does anyone hate having to buy new clothes every time they go up a size??

I had 8 Months off gym, and work gave us $500 to spend on new work shirts and stuff a Month back, so I went to myer and got a bunch of nice shirts, few pairs of pants..

Started back in the gym two weeks ago, and the fucken glycogen loading alone getting back into training, I am already bursting at the seams of all my new shirts..

It's the one thing I absolutely loathe about bodybuliding.

I also forgot my old trick of taking dbol for a week, specifically so when I went shopping for clothes, I would be as bloated to the max, get a pump on before going shopping, and then I would buy a realistic size that might last me 6 months more than if I tried things on while flat.

Hate clothes shopping when it's just a luxury to get something new, absolutely despise it when I have tried on 98% of my wardrobe and nothing fucking fits.
I just buy the largest size possible and hope for the best…..last 3-4 work shirts have all ripped in the exact same spot across the forearms.
At this point I’m just trying desperately to avoid the fat man shop because I’m sure the shirts will fit terribly and look cheap.


IFBB Competitor
Jul 18, 2022
People trying to screw you down on price when you’ve just quoted a “fuck off I don’t really want that job” rate 😅 Surely the fairly exorbitant figure was a clue that I’m probably not going to haggle on this one buddy


Oct 12, 2022
Some shit head does that all the time at my gym - never understand guys at the gym constantly chewing gum, you look like a fucken cow. How the fuck are you going to breathe properly at the gym with that shit in your mouth.
I will say - nicotine gum during a workout is awesome.


can’t escape the crazy housemate
Dec 2, 2022
Ordinary pricks who are so up themselves that they think they can never do a thing wrong, and double down on being pricks by not even accepting an apology from someone else who did something wrong...

I have 2 examples in the same day and if there is a third I will throw punches!

On the freeway on the way home from work, 3 lanes, I get into one of those situations where middle lane ia clear, but you happen to start indicating and moving over into it the same time another car does from the other lane.
I think we both realised the same time and both go a shock, but I was quicker to react and moved back to my lane...
I glance over at the driver with a half smile and hand up like, "oops, my bad, we both fucked up there, but all good, shit happens!"
But this bitch (20 something in a jeep) is fucken scowling and starts shaking her head and clearly mouths "fucking idiot"...

We both fucked up equal amounts, but even if she thought I was totally at fault, the humble hand up and apologetic face like 'my bad' is the best you will ever get from another driver admitting they fucked up on a road. But not good enough for her.
In summary, what a stupid fucking bitch.

Story two almost exact same thing but worse.
2 Minutes from home, 60kmh residential main street, this car pulls up from a side street, stops, then without even looking in my direction just pulls out.
I slam my brakes on, which must have startled her as she looked over and slams hers on two.
We're sitting there just looking at each other, realizing it was about 2 meters from a pretty bad accident (she was mid 40's, fat, ugly etc in a Carolla)... Me still being chill, realizing people fuck up, who cares,,,, so I do the same thing... Hands up and a smile like, 'shit that was close, lucky I saw you in time, but all good, people fuck up, don't sweat it lady'..

What do I get in response to this? Another mother fucking rude ass detached from reality bitch scowling at me and shaking her head with genuine disgust as she drives off.

Like I said, one more of these today and it's absolutely no more mister fucken chill dude.

Do bitches actually feel more comfortable having strange guys yell abuse at them, coz being fucking humble turns them into vipers


ASF Professor
Jul 14, 2022
Ordinary pricks who are so up themselves that they think they can never do a thing wrong, and double down on being pricks by not even accepting an apology from someone else who did something wrong...

I have 2 examples in the same day and if there is a third I will throw punches!

On the freeway on the way home from work, 3 lanes, I get into one of those situations where middle lane ia clear, but you happen to start indicating and moving over into it the same time another car does from the other lane.
I think we both realised the same time and both go a shock, but I was quicker to react and moved back to my lane...
I glance over at the driver with a half smile and hand up like, "oops, my bad, we both fucked up there, but all good, shit happens!"
But this bitch (20 something in a jeep) is fucken scowling and starts shaking her head and clearly mouths "fucking idiot"...

We both fucked up equal amounts, but even if she thought I was totally at fault, the humble hand up and apologetic face like 'my bad' is the best you will ever get from another driver admitting they fucked up on a road. But not good enough for her.
In summary, what a stupid fucking bitch.

Story two almost exact same thing but worse.
2 Minutes from home, 60kmh residential main street, this car pulls up from a side street, stops, then without even looking in my direction just pulls out.
I slam my brakes on, which must have startled her as she looked over and slams hers on two.
We're sitting there just looking at each other, realizing it was about 2 meters from a pretty bad accident (she was mid 40's, fat, ugly etc in a Carolla)... Me still being chill, realizing people fuck up, who cares,,,, so I do the same thing... Hands up and a smile like, 'shit that was close, lucky I saw you in time, but all good, people fuck up, don't sweat it lady'..

What do I get in response to this? Another mother fucking rude ass detached from reality bitch scowling at me and shaking her head with genuine disgust as she drives off.

Like I said, one more of these today and it's absolutely no more mister fucken chill dude.

Do bitches actually feel more comfortable having strange guys yell abuse at them, coz being fucking humble turns them into vipers
This is classic female in traffic behaviour.

I’ve never had this type of shit happen with other men.


Feb 14, 2023
When I'm in supermarket, every fuckin time I stop to check my list. (I do a quick check to ensure it's not random blocking or in anyone's way too) there always seems to be some cunt see you stopped and think 'oh I could potentially want something where he is standing, what's he blocking from me' so they come up rudely expecting you to move for them to grab nothing. No excuse me no nothing.
Regardless of what isle always some fuck that instantly feels the need to see what they are missing out on and never wanted!
Pretty pissed still now cause just hapen 2nd week in a row.


IFBB Competitor
Jul 18, 2022
Like I said, one more of these today and it's absolutely no more mister fucken chill dude.

Do bitches actually feel more comfortable having strange guys yell abuse at them, coz being fucking humble turns them into vipers

Yeap feel this 💯.

On the plus side, the more gear I take the more I relish getting tooted at in traffic haha, just a sly little smile like “yeah I fucked your day up” 👊🏼


IFBB Competitor
Jul 18, 2022
Current rant is a group of 3 stringy Brocolli head kids taking up not only the whole cable stack but also an incline bench so they can cycle through sets of pulling 2 plates of the stack in a gay little chest supported lat pull down kind of thing and then spend 5 mins waiting for their next set while 2 mates strain their way through their 5 second eccentrics - GTFO

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