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  • Have not adapted to the new set up on page!
    Hello brother,

    The theme was significantly affected by the 2.3 upgrade. As a consequence, I am actively working right now on a much sleeker, overhauled design. Will be done very soon. Stay tuned. More features coming too.


    Weighed in @88.1kg this morning! Had a bit of a deload this week backed off in all areas! Had few snacks during week yet still came in at a loss!
    Pretty disappointed in myself and have been overly harsh on self!
    Had some other shit going on and allowed my anger and frustration to attack myself and fuck myself over I feel.
    Felt fresh this morning although I came in under still had the lingering internal thoughts of you could have been better but you fucked up cunt!
    So I went for a walk turned into a run 1km in left calf went and I stopped immediately.
    Dont have spring off from toe and left limping.(doesnt feel too serious but injury is injury and deflating) So been bit flat about it and snacked today like a sulky bitch.
    Doing my best not to dwell and reset 2mrw focus back on positives!
    Finally able to do strict, slow, leg straight windmills for abs!
    Never thought I would be one of those cunts that could do them tbh!
    Another reward for effort and consistency 💪
    Good job bro. Do you find these more effective than regular hangling leg raises, like worth the extra difficulty?
    @hrvat personally I do, I find it engages the whole core. Once I can't get my full motion I always finish with hanging leg raises until the kung fu grip gives out on me!
    I started with doing the windmills with bent legs and went from there.
    Also what was I believe a help was I also do decline sit ups and I get my mate to throw 10kg slam ball at me with fair bit of force. I hold, catch lower all in a controlled manner no swing momentum its strengthen core quick.
    Hope this helps man!
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    40 today and I'm about to embark on training session in my gym.
    Put in perspective its a tin shed in the backyard!
    My sons first day of school 2mrw. He drops the occasional swear word.
    Example: missed the pool today cause it closed, missus asked if he wanted to play under sprinkler. He reply " how am I suppose to wear my fuckin flippers and swim with a sprinkler, what you gonna offer the bath next?"
    Anyway, I told him if he swears at school he will get into trouble from the teacher. He reakons he will ask the teacher if he wants a little taste of his fist to the face, if he likes that he can have the other for dessert.

    Ahh God I'm in for some headaches here I think 🤦
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