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Need advice/help to navigate (1 Viewer)


Feb 14, 2023
I'm caught in a really shit space atm with work.
Before anyone says just leave, it is not as easy as that!
I have though been looking at other options this week to see what is available to gauge what I could do.
I live rural and travel 550km a week already so to walk would mean greater travel with potentially less money.
Essentially I really do need some help on what to do.
It's a case of poor management, mis direction at its finest, you need to do this but don't do this do it anyway but don't do it like that.
This week I was told to stop doing my job, your making the site look bad, I got pissed off and said the whole purpose of the pre op forms is to report faults. Are you telling me to lie and not do it.
You need to start making things look good without any problems.
I said does that make sense to you does it? He said I dont get what you mean so I repeated it back and was told not everything is black and white.
Site manager was there I questioned him he said sorry man I don't have anything to say I don't feel well today!
Quality co ordinater sat with his head down.
Then passes me a form which he signed my name and signature n said you remember doing this training and signing this!
Ive also had my reports manipulated and edited to remove accountability.
Amongst other falsely filled forms.
I work in food industry and have been keeping notes with dates of all the wrongs and shit instructions.
Its one big dirty game and the fall comes back on the small guys doing all the work n I don't stand for it.
There bullying, reports of infestation all covered up.
Alot of stuff this is just some key things.
Last week I tried to ask what is our back up plan when things go wrong, I was told u work it out for yourself don't call me. (He is the guy who needs to be called for any drama)
I never called when shit went south. Come in next day he pissed off and says why didn't you call me? I said u told me not to. He said if I tell you not to call u have to call but I don't want u to call so next time call me.
Again I said what the fuck is that?
In any other life scenario I would not accept this and would attack, I've spent last few days thinking I'll just go in and kick this cunt in the face and the next squeeze the life out of him
In reality thus will prove nothing!
So I need a better way to navigate this shit.
My sister said I should join union and don't really know much about that and any good.
So much more detail but I think you get what is going on.
Its affecting my whole day I run all sorts of scenarios over n over in my head
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Author: mooseknuckle
Article Title: Need advice/help to navigate
Source URL: ASF - Australia's Premier Fitness Forum-
Quote & Share Rules: Short quotations can be made from the article provided that the source is included, but the entire article cannot be copied to another site or published elsewhere without permission of the author.


Feb 14, 2023
Just re read what I wrote and thought I've actually written fuck all compared to what is going on.
I've done and am doing to many head miles. Thought I'd come here for a vent and help as I'm stuck.


PhD Anabolics - Exotically Large Sith Lord
ASF Legend
Jan 22, 2023
Sounds like too many Chiefs not enough Indians.

Honestly though, I think this is a case where you're going to drive yourself mad and probably get the flick if you continue to do the correct thing as you have been. By what you've written, the problem runs alot deeper than those turning blind eyes on site.

I think there's 4 options.

1) continue as you are and go mad. Possibly get fired.

2) head down and turn a blind eye yourself (doesn't sound like you're the kind of guy to do this). But, will solve the need to travel further and find new work.

3) take this further and report it to outside bodies. If there's infestations and things there's a plethora of avenues you can go down.

4) Leave.

Either one isn't as good as just being able to show up. Do your work and clock out. But, it's evident you're not employed by a body that makes that easy.


Feb 14, 2023
Sounds like too many Chiefs not enough Indians.

Honestly though, I think this is a case where you're going to drive yourself mad and probably get the flick if you continue to do the correct thing as you have been. By what you've written, the problem runs alot deeper than those turning blind eyes on site.

I think there's 4 options.

1) continue as you are and go mad. Possibly get fired.

2) head down and turn a blind eye yourself (doesn't sound like you're the kind of guy to do this). But, will solve the need to travel further and find new work.

3) take this further and report it to outside bodies. If there's infestations and things there's a plethora of avenues you can go down.

4) Leave.

Either one isn't as good as just being able to show up. Do your work and clock out. But, it's evident you're not employed by a body that makes that easy.
Thanks man! Really appreciate your time to reply and words.
Guess ultimately it comes down to my own morals and values and do they align with where I am.
Its not a matter of turning a blind eye cause its constantly changing here there and back again.
Side steps and backwards with there belief there making a solid move forward.
What is ok today is not ok 2mrw.
True the problem is greater than what I can control, I just have a self belief I can.
Really I can't.


ASF Rookie
May 9, 2024
Mate, that situation has got nightmare written all over it, from many different angles.

I used to always think I was the hardest cunt around - mentally - I could handle anything. Been in business for decades , got fucked hard in business - often. Got out of business. Still thought I was great mentally.
Then went and worked in the industry the same as my own business was. Working for a company at a store front. 7 years , was ready to neck myself and several people around me.
Mental health is a thing bro, its a mongrel beast ..... if your posting on an anonymous forum, dude I hear you. But you need to go talk to family. People you know and trust.

If your not on ridiculously good coin ? dont have an executive position in the organisation ? have personal/family skin in the game ? then its not worth it , take your skills elsewhere, somewhere someone is looking for someone exactly like you.


Jul 11, 2023
Bro I can help. Let me have a read now and I’ll come back to you shortly. You need some proper advice so let me have a read. Won’t be long.


PhD Anabolics - Exotically Large Sith Lord
ASF Legend
Jan 22, 2023

Thanks man! Really appreciate your time to reply and words.
Guess ultimately it comes down to my own morals and values and do they align with where I am.
Its not a matter of turning a blind eye cause its constantly changing here there and back again.
Side steps and backwards with there belief there making a solid move forward.
What is ok today is not ok 2mrw.
True the problem is greater than what I can control, I just have a self belief I can.
Really I can't.
"Comes down to my own morals" is absolutely correct here bro.

And you're more than welcome. Unfortunate situation you're in and I hope you can find a solution 🤙


ASF Rookie
Jan 31, 2023
Can you tell us what your job title is?
How long have you been in the role?
Unless you just made a big move up, there is a good chance there will be roles that will pay a lot more and worth the extra travel, or justify relocating. Sounds like this might be the only solution.
I'd be polishing up my resume and applying to hundreds of jobs.


ASF Rookie
May 10, 2023
Definitely keep your own records, if they are manipulating your reports they will most surely throw you under the bus when they need a scape goat. Joining a union would help if they r dodgy and you are worried about being the fall guy for it all. Id Start emailing your reports out aswell, CC anyone and everyone into them, company CEO is a good one to throw in to.
But at the end of the day your mental health and happiness is the most important. Update your resume and start applying elsewhere.

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