Post your cycle logs here including how it’s going, positive effects and any negative side effects.
Can include how your diet and training is tracking on this cycle.
A formidable duo of national-level athletes in powerlifting and weightlifting, bringing over a decade of combined coaching experience with state and national-level competitors.
How good is ramen? Fuck I could eat ramen all day. High cholesterol who? Fuck it’s good I put the whole spice packet in, veggies and all and a couple hard boiled eggs. The nongshim kimchi ramen is the best flavour in my honest opinion. Give it a shot if you’re a young cunt who doesn’t care about high sodium
Just fixing up a lot of the username styles and banners. They might look a bit awkward as I adjust them for the ideal gradient and colour. There will be slight alterations/additions to the user title ladder too which will reflect in these. Will talk about these later in a complete announcement reflecting all changes once a major forum improvement is also in effect. Cheers all