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Ausjuice/Auspharmacy exit scam order being fulfilled (1 Viewer)


ASF Rookie
Jul 28, 2023
Hi all,

Fortunately I was able to get my order full filled during their exit scam period however I haven’t used them yet.

Just seeing if there’s anyone out there that was also able to get their order fulfilled during the scam period and if they have used it? I’m curious if they’re bunk or they’re still good to go as they were just getting rid of their stock


can’t escape the crazy housemate
Dec 2, 2022
Likely it might be okay as the exit scam seemed to mostly be orders just stopped being sent, rather than that other gang a while back that just switched to bunk products..

Unless you want to invest in Jano testing, or running it for a few weeks and getting bloods to check and knowing you might be running nothing for a few weeks and messing up your hormones (not to mention if it is bunk, I wouldn't be trusting that their nice enough to worry about sterility while also fucking people over).

Long story short, I would bin the shit and order again from a still reputable source, life is to short to fuck with gear you aren't sure about.


Jul 14, 2022
They’re scammers. Anything we can do to reduce people buying off these scum bags we will. Hopefully this post shouldn’t lead people to attempt to buy off of them, we are aware the odd order would come through particularly with AusJuice where it would lead the buyer to a false sense of security (and to buy again) which is when the orders would not be fulfilled.

Please do not order from these guys.


Administrator PhD
Jul 14, 2022
Touch and go. They could presumably have wanted to clear out all their stock. The pharma products they would get in lower quantities than the AAS so would have run out of them then scammed. Had leftover AAS to clear. Also helps to drag out the duration of the scam if people are still getting some orders.

However there’s every chance the gear could be bunk as well, as that’s what Austeroids did after they started scamming people. You can’t easily fake pharma products and packaging but in their situation they can quite easily fake AAS vials. I bet people are not getting orals.

As per the advice above I wouldn’t take the risk and use it. Cop the loss and bin it.

I’m just so very disappointed they were on here and it ended the way it did. They made every effort to deliver quality products and service while they were here and I guess that gave them credibility and verification, and as such were able to catch us all by surprise. Very disappointing but I felt we definitely minimised the potential damage to ASF members and caught on quickly.

As said previously we won’t be considering another vendor operating from an independent website ever again.


Administrator PhD
Jul 13, 2023
Alright boys, I've altered the widget code so that banned members will no longer be displayed in the online member's widget. Weirdly, they would normally have a strikethrough through their name so I understand why you were confused now @Lollaloooooooose

It could've just been the rich text editor in the particular browser. But anyway that's all over.

As for buying from these clowns, it's much like handing over the keys to your mansion to live in a tent. We are spoiled for choice here on ASF and our sponsors cover broad enough categories with significant depth that there's no reason to give these scammers another cent. There's also no assurance of the legitimacy of the little that they do deliver.


The Karen of Steroids
Jul 16, 2022
Alright boys, I've altered the widget code so that banned members will no longer be displayed in the online member's widget. Weirdly, they would normally have a strikethrough through their name so I understand why you were confused now @Lollaloooooooose

It could've just been the rich text editor in the particular browser. But anyway that's all over.

As for buying from these clowns, it's much like handing over the keys to your mansion to live in a tent. We are spoiled for choice here on ASF and our sponsors cover broad enough categories with significant depth that there's no reason to give these scammers another cent. There's also no assurance of the legitimacy of the little that they do deliver.
Sweet as mate. Thought it might have been some weird glitch, or there was a similar profile


Jul 11, 2023
Hey bro 😎 not much I can add given all the big bosses have spoken, if in doubt, throw it out. Why put yourself through the intensity of a cycle and what comes with it unless you have confidence in what you’re taking. Throw it bro. Start yourself on a solid basis, not on a 50/50 if it’s real or bunk. Good luck 😎


ASF Rookie
Jul 28, 2023
I’m pretty new to this whole engagement part of the forum. I usually just lurk in the shadows and go through threads but just want to thank everyone who responded to this thread, gained a lot of value from everyone who inputted their thoughts. I appreciate all of you ❤️

fat slag

ASF Rookie
Nov 27, 2023
Hi all,

Fortunately I was able to get my order full filled during their exit scam period however I haven’t used them yet.

Just seeing if there’s anyone out there that was also able to get their order fulfilled during the scam period and if they have used it? I’m curious if they’re bunk or they’re still good to go as they were just getting rid of their stock
had the same thing happen to me, test e 250 had insane PIP and was bunk. wouldn't risk it.


ASF Rookie
Dec 31, 2022
Wish I read this 😂 did a order on the 23rd and still haven’t heard anything, thought I’d check forums and yeow nothing like a $380 scam haha Awh well 😂 that’ll learn me


Jul 11, 2023
Wish I read this 😂 did a order on the 23rd and still haven’t heard anything, thought I’d check forums and yeow nothing like a $380 scam haha Awh well 😂 that’ll learn me
It’s gone bro. Sorry. Happens to the best of us at least once in a lifetime hey. Good luck with who u try next 😎


ASF Rookie
Jul 7, 2024
It’s gone bro. Sorry. Happens to the best of us at least once in a lifetime hey. Good luck with who u try next 😎
Ausmeds play the old you put in the wrong address, man I would love to get hold of them m f s


ASF Rookie
Jan 28, 2024
Ausmeds play the old you put in the wrong address, man I would love to get hold of them m f s
If you happen to be in W.A we should talk, I feel the same but am in Vic and havnt got the time or funds to go sight seeing.

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