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Heart / Cardio Health - always out of breath (41 Viewers)


ASF Rookie
Oct 15, 2022
Even on 200mg TRT I am always out of breath. My blood pressure is fine - managed with telmisartan and amlodapine (all prescribed), but my heart rate never goes below 95-100 even when I am sleeping.

Prior to TRT my RHR would get as low as 40bpm overnight.

I'm getting pretty over it, despite how much cardio I do and how fit I am (honestly I should be overwhelmingly fit with with amount of intense cardio I do through my hiking and climbing), I am still short on breath and struggle to even tie up my fkn shoelaces without feeling out of breath.

I thought that BP was the main issue, but that is well controlled for me - any other ideas or am I fucked?

I've backed off stims (just coffee/caffeine now). Bloods are fine.

Even people sitting near me often comment about how heavy I breathe.

Feel like I am possibly dealing with the consequences from starting out way too hard and not managing my blood pressure some years ago.

Author: maj9999922222
Article Title: Heart / Cardio Health - always out of breath
Source URL: ASF - Australia's Premier Fitness Forum-https://aus-sf.org
Quote & Share Rules: Short quotations can be made from the article provided that the source is included, but the entire article cannot be copied to another site or published elsewhere without permission of the author.


Anabolic Pharmacist
Jul 14, 2022
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