I thought I would give a very brief summary of the reason behind the framework that
@jlr14 is currently implementing to provide a little more context and he will be able to answer any questions moving forward as he progresses through his push phase.
The main goal of this push is to successfully add a few kilos of lean muscle tissue over a period of roughly 6-8 months (pending satisfactory health markers, body fat accrual, and mental well-being will determine the length of the push).
A cruise of 12 weeks was carried out prior to help re-set insulin sensitivity, get to an optimal bodyfat %, ensure health markers were all in range, and work on some muscle imbalances that had crept in - namely tight psoas, underperforming glutes, and back tightness.
At the start of the push, calories were bumped up by 400 calories a day above what was being consumed during the end of the cruise period, and a workout plan was constructed based on x4 days lifting a week prioritizing the upper body.
A discussion was had re PEDS and
@jlr14 wanted to this time add some nandrolone into the mix based on previous experience and success he had had with this compound - albeit quite some time ago and with my concerns outlaid. This differed from our usual Testosterone and Primobolan combination which has worked well. So we went with Testosterone, Masteron, and a small dose of Nandrolone - namely for the added fullness and joint relief. After 2 weeks, the nandrolone was abandoned due to gyno flair-up! Testosterone dose was slightly reduced and Masteron dose was increased as well as nolvadex implemented. The issue resolved itself fairly quickly, and after another discussion, it was decided that from this point moving forward, Primobolan would be re-introduced and Testosterone bumped up for the next increase in PEDS and now that E2 is in a good range for him, Testosterone and Primobolan will be titrated up in a 1:1 ratio moving forward when required and anchor the cycle. Masteron dosage will be left where it currently stands.
Ancillaries such as Telmisartan, have been implemented to help modulate blood pressure which does run high in his family and we have had to manage with cardio implemented where feasible and within his lifestyle commitments, and is now in a satisfactory range. Berberine and Metformin for their insulin-sensitising effects and other numerous health benefits as discussed numerous times on the forum.
Basal insulin is purely to just take a small load of the pancreas - nothing more and rapid around training to help shuttle pre-workout and intra-carbs very efficiently out of the bloodstream and into muscle cells while also providing a performance benefit. BG is also at an optimal range post-workout when he goes to consume his post-workout meal.
@jlr14 has had some back stiffness issues plague him last year that we worked through, unfortunately just when everything was feeling great, the back slipped while helping a mate move a fridge a few weeks ago which halted training somewhat. Things have improved since then and hopefully, he can continue to put the pedal down now and increase gym intensity.
As stated 10 mins LISS is performed prior to lifting as this is the most convenient way it can be implemented and sustained as
@jlr14 gets up very early to go to work every morning, on the tools all day, and trains after work. Weekends are also super busy with kids and family commitments. If further cardio needs to be added down the track, 1 or 2 HIT sessions post-workout would be an option, and increasing daily steps if achievable
From here it will just be a matter of consistency with training, striving for small weekly progressions, adherence to diet, maximizing recovery and sleep, minimizing stress as best he can, and hopefully staying injury-free!
Peds and food will be titrated up on a needs basis to continue progress while making sure body fat stays within an acceptable range.